

InstinctWave offers a comprehensive and reliable publishing service. We publish premium magazine at InstinctWave. Our four unique magazines are; Digital Economy Magazine formerly TechBerg, MarketingWorld, Africa Public Sector and InstinctBusiness.

Our creative department offers client bespoke design and print corporate collateral, brochure, annual report, merchandising and in-house magazine. We offer bespoke services in all areas of printing and creative.

Digital Economy Magazine is a leading voice on technology development that delivers technology related stories, exclusive interview, CEOS ranking, articles, insights on the latest technological trends across different industries.

Visit Digital Economy magazine site at:

Africa Public Sector Magazine is Africa’s first one stop news and reports, emphasizing insight, analysis, context and debate, reviews, interviews covering government Ministry Departments, Agency’s on their new development, impact and growth on the general citizenry. APS covers featured stories both online and offline, on Top Government Leaders which becomes informative and directive for readers.

Visit Africa Public Sector site at:

InstinctBusiness Magazine is a bi-monthly glossy business publication that covers all areas of businesses within the African region.

InstinctBusiness Magazine is full of inspiring and usable advice from exceptional business mentors and insight into the mechanics of success stories. IB features articles, cover issues including business growth and development, lifestyle, Entertainment, Sport, Finance, Innovation and business principles, just to name a few.

Visit InstinctBusiness site at:

is the voice of marketing, advertising and media industry in Africa. MarketingWorld is comprised of special reports emphasizing insight, analysis, context and debate. The magazine contains news, features stories, product review and launch, media and agency related news and updates, digital marketing and covers reports on multicultural marketing and agency rankings.

Visit MarketingWorld site at: